Mama Ginger Tree doesn't live here anymore.  I have moved to The Norwindians.  The names have changed, but we're the same family.  Please add The Norwindians to your reader!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

And so it begins...

After spending several months reading blogs, I decided to start one.  My intention is to chronicle the everyday adventures of our family (even if sometimes mundane).    I often find myself wondering what sort of things my mom did on a daily basis while my sister and I were little.  What were her thoughts, what was I like, what sort of things were going on in the world that affected her?  I am hoping this will serve as a written record of this chaotic, but oh so fun time in my life.  

So allow me to introduce myself.  I am Mama Gingertree, a 37 year old wife and mother.  My husband (Mr. Mint) and I are raising our 5 year old twin girls (who I'll call Princess Lolly and Princess Frostine) and our 2.5 year old little boy (Gloppy the Chocolate Monster) in a suburb of San Francisco.   It seems as though I have passed on at least one of my three vices to my kids, my sweet tooth.  So far they don't seem to have inherited my TV habit or my passion for Diet Pepsi.  

So there you have it in a nutshell.    Only time will tell where I go from here.

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