Mama Ginger Tree doesn't live here anymore.  I have moved to The Norwindians.  The names have changed, but we're the same family.  Please add The Norwindians to your reader!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Setting the Record Straight

I need to set the record straight.  Yesterday I sent a twitter that compared my niece to Baby Kate from Arthur.  That's right, I called my sisters baby an aardvark on the internet.  Many of you are worried that my sister might find out about this.  Just so we're clear, I would never call anyone's baby an aardvark unless I could say it to their face.  My sister is fully aware that I compared her child to an aardvark and we had a little giggle about it.  My sister has a sense of humor and even if she was offended by it, she'd tell me and then we would kiss and make up.  That's just the kind of sisters we are.   She even sent me a picture of her daughter (whose middle name is my first name thankyouverymuch) so I could post it next to a picture of Baby Kate.  You be the judge:

I think Baby Kate AND my niece are adorable.   So everyone is cool, OK?  OK.


Marinka said...

Adorable! And thanks for clearing it up, because the stress was getting to me!

Anonymous said...

My kids LOVE Arthur..good times.

anymommy said...

Oh my gosh - that is so cute. My sister and I have this kind of relationship. It's wonderful!

BabyonBored said...

I compared my infant daughter to an orangatan so I think that trumps and adorable aardvark. And that's what I'm about...TRUMPING.

Hey, I understood your comment about my blogging about SF. It did sort of suck for me in many ways and I ended up asking myself "was it worth it?" Not really. The plane ride to and from with no crying kids was the best part.

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right. My daughter is the cutest freaking aardvark in the world!!! ...and by the way, Mama Gingertree's (my sister) twins (Frostine and Lolly) used to think one of the Wiggles was my husband (their uncle, for those of you who are having trouble following along...).

So, I think my whole family resembles some children's TV star. I just need to figure out who I am, and who my other daughter is... any suggestions sis?

Kirsten said...

Jolly: Hmmm I'll have to think about that. You could be Caillou's mom. KIDDING!

Anonymous said...

No way man.

Anonymous said...

Totally see the resemblence....

Quart said...

Oh my gosh. I posted that comment on Marinka's blog and was TOTALLY kidding. I figured that since you have a blog you would know how it all works. I am seriously sorry if I caused trouble!

Kirsten said...

Quart: I figured you were kidding. But my sister got a kick out of it and I thought it made a funny post. No trouble caused at all! Damn internet with it's inability to convey tone. :-)

She totally looks like Baby Kate though, no?

A Mom Two Boys said...

Very cute.

and I love that my sister has somehow injected herself into the middle of her very own blog drama! :0)

And speaking of blog drama, my post yesterday did not AT ALl refer to you. I totally got from your recap that you made BlogHer what you wanted and that you weren't complaining about it or anyone. I was refering to the people who ruined it for themselves, had a horrible time and then complained & blamed other people. I'm all about the love.