For the first time in five and half years, no one in my house wears diapers of any sort. Not even at night time. My mother-in-law told me a few weeks ago that Gloppy doesn't wear a diaper or pull-up at night when he's at her house. I decided to try it at home. Low and behold, it has been a month and he hasn't had an accident during the day or at night.
I realize that by writing about this, I am setting myself up for a set back. I am just truly amazed that at two years and nine months my son is fully potty trained. I was terrified about potty training a boy, having heard lots of horror stories. It seems like the things I stress the most about, turn out to be fairly seemless.
However, he still asks for a Skittle every time he uses the potty, and I oblige. When the girls were his age I scoffed at anyone that used candy to potty train their child. So I am offering my sincere apologies to everyone I judged for doling out M&M's or whatever. I'm not sure when the candy-fest around here will end. Right now I am just so happy to have one less thing on my Target shopping list.
Hello! :) I just wanted to stop real quick and let you know that I found your blog via a search engine. I was searching for the lyrics to Laurie Berkner's "I'm Not Perfect" song...and there was your blog in a listing.
So I just wanted to say hello. Have a great day. :)
Hi Brenda,
Nice to "virtually" meet you. Stop by again sometime.
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