We decorated out front door.

We created treats for classmates.

We paraded at school and went trick-or-treating with friends. The best part was instead of "trick-or-treat" Gloppy would say "trick-or-treating" at each door.

Tune in 365 days from today for Halloween future. I already have a great idea for a "family" costume. Hope your trick-or-treat bag is filled with Kit Kats.

Knowing your costumes for 2009 a year in advance? I'm impressed. I'm just hoping that I will be a little more creative than superhero pajamas from Target...
LOVE their costumes!! Gloppy looks fantastic as Batman (was his leg still "gimpy?" I'm just imagining a limping Batman...) And the girls are beautiful witches!
For the record, Kit Kat is my favorite treat too, and it's what we gave out this year. If you didn't get enough, come on over! :-)
Adorable as ever! I'm especially partial to the purple witch's outfit. :-) It looks like everyone had a great time. And nice pumpkins!
We don't get any kids here and there's no place for pumpkins, so I missed out on that this year. It was nice to be able to share in yours.
Awesome photos!
I wanna come live at your house!
Great pics! Love the costumes and the "trick or treating." I stayed up last nite reading your old blogs. Were you this funny when we lived together?
Perfect. So darling. I'm partial to the Reeses, but I like kitkats too.
Those pumpkins ROCK! Mr. Mint is the master.
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