Mama Ginger Tree doesn't live here anymore.  I have moved to The Norwindians.  The names have changed, but we're the same family.  Please add The Norwindians to your reader!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Spring Break, Day Five

Day Five!  Hooray!  I made it!  I would say that Mama Ginger Tree's adventure camp was a big success.  I was so tired by the end of yesterday that I haven't been able to sit down and write about it until tonight.  We spent the day at the Monterey Bay Aquarium along with Mr. Mint who took the day off, my mother-in-law and sister-in-law.  We got a pretty late start, so by the time we got down there, it was time for lunch.  Lunch with a view no less.

After lunch we made our way to the Aquarium and saw all kinds of fish, an octopus, a jelly-fish or two, etc., etc.   We got up close and personal with some penguins.

We sat and stared at the giant sea turtle for quite a while.

The aquarium really is a great place to visit if you live in the Bay Area or are ever visiting out here.  Spring Break however, is not a fabulous time to go.  The only downfall was the crowd.  The place was packed.  I've decided that a tired mom, adventure-weary kids and a crowded venue is not a good mix for my family.  Mr. Mint and I were constantly trying to keep track of everyone and each other.   I can't really say that my kids were on their best behavior.  They were easily frustrated if they had to wait their turn to see something and the whining was off the charts.  Thankfully my mother-in-law and sister-in-law were there to pick up a tired child, grab a snack or take someone to the potty.  

We got ice-cream cones (of course) on the way to the car so we ended the trip on a good note.  My in-laws house is on the way home so we stopped to drop off our helpers, have some dinner and give the kids a bath.  The kids know they are not supposed to jump on their bed, but when I walked back to use the bathroom this is what I saw.

School starts back up on Monday for Lolly and Frostine.  I think they are excited to get back and see their friends.   I am looking forward to getting back to our routines.  It was fun-filled week, but my adventure tank is on empty.

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