I have made peace with the fact that I do 99.9% of the housework around here. Truth be told, I have a house cleaner that comes once a week so I can complain too much. The ONE thing I ask Mr. Mint to do is take out the trash. He does a lot of things really well, but remembering to take out the trash is not one of them. Somehow he is not bothered by an overflowing, smelly trash can in our kitchen. If he needs to throw something away, he just shoves it in. At the end of the evening, after the kids are in bed and I've cleaned the kitchen, I often ask him to take the trash out. Inevitably he says the same thing, "I'll take it out on my way out the door in the morning." Inevitably, he forgets. I wake up the next morning, I am tired and I've probably already broken up a couple of sibling squabbles. I haven't had my coffee and there are three hungry kids asking for their breakfast. When I can't even fit a banana peel or an eggshell in the trash, this is when I really lose it. Seriously Mr. Mint, would it kill you to take it out once in a while?!?!
Don't even get me started on taking the trash to the curb on trash day. We have a pretty long driveway, and it can be a pain to drag our trash can down to the end along with the two recycling cans. If he's not out of town, he'll say to himself, "oh I'll just take the cans to the end of the driveway before I go to work in the morning." I'll be lying in my bed on trash day and hear the garbage truck and think to myself, "I really hope he remembered to take the cans to end of the driveway because I am the one that will have to deal with two weeks worth of trash if he didn't." Nine times out of the ten, he forgets.
I must come to terms with the fact that I am the one who is motivated to get the trash out of the house since I am the one who is here all day, everyday. It has gotten to the point where he doesn't even jump off the couch and offer to help if he sees me taking the trash out. Yes, I'm angry. But what can I do? At least now Gloppy is big enough to help carry the trash cans back up the driveway.

If I teach my son anything, it will be to always help his wife out with the trash and say thank you when she washes, folds and puts away your laundry. Or better yet, offer to wash, fold and put away her laundry!
I almost jumped up and down with you as I read this one.
This is one of my major pet peeves as well. I'd add when I'm trying to clean up the kitchen in the evening with no room to scrape of plates, and he is sitting 10 feet from me at the computer. "yeah, I'll do it later" ARgghhhhhh!
Seriously, is it that hard for them to take out the trash!
Somedays, I play the martyr and do it myself. Other days, I "just do it". Still others, I am thankful that he goes to work every day, to provide for our family, am thankful that he does do some things (yard care, wash cars ((sometimes)), play on the floor with the girls while I do something else, or lets me spend and ENTIRE weekend away scrapbooking with grown-ups!) Somedays, I pick my battles, others, I try a passive-aggressive barb (it doesn't work, he's figured me out after 14 years). Anyway, you are not alone, I feel you pain!!!!!
--Queen Mum
Queen Mum,
I am so glad I'm not alone! You make some great points:
"Somedays, I play the martyr and do it myself. Other days, I "just do it". Still others, I am thankful that he goes to work every day, to provide for our family, am thankful that he does do some things (yard care, wash cars ((sometimes)), play on the floor with the girls while I do something else, or lets me spend and ENTIRE weekend away scrapbooking with grown-ups!)"
At the end of the day, we're all just doing the best we can. The trash thing just drives me nuts for some reason. :-) I'll think of you every time I take the trash out.
So funny to take a peek into the lives of our friends. . .
I, on the other hand, have a husband whose biggest nightmare is that there is actually trash in the trash can. He rants and raves when he comes home and can't believe I haven't taken the trash out atleast once during the day. How dare I stuff one more paper towel or scrap of food in the can! When we are home on the weekend he must throw the trash out at least 3times per day.
Should we sign your husbands up for classes with Mr. Clean?
LOL! I feel you 100%. I told my hubby last night, I want the trash to be "your thing". I don't think he liked that, especially when I said, don't you want to feel like you are contributing to this well oiled machine we call home? oops.
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