The birthday girl was dressed and ready to rock on.

The girls just wanted to have fun.
And the boys brought the noise.
A good time was had by all. My sister sings karaoke like she approaches life, holding nothing back. Within five minutes of meeting her, it's likely you'll know her life story. She's not afraid of her emotions, a trait I have always envied. I prefer the safety of a relatively anonymous blog to put it all out there. I had a whole speech planned, but just fumbled over my words when it came time to speak. My thoughts come out so much more distinct and relevant through my fingertips on my keyboard than they do through my mouth.
So my dear sister, I hope you enjoyed the party that was tailor made for you. You made the evening fun for everyone with your infectious enthusiasm for karaoke and Rubik's Cubes. You've come a long way in 40 short years and I can't wait to see what you do with the next 40.
For more party pics, click HERE.
I had a BLAST at my totally 80's karaoke party!!!!! I will remember it for a lifetime! Thank you for doing such an awesome job putting it all together - you ROCK!!!
Polly, Jolly's dear friend, missed the party in lieu of a 98th b-day bash in Tracy. Let's just say I was right there with you in spirit -- people in Tracy are still living in the 80s. XOXOXO
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